
Rules for the authors:                                                                                                                                               

  1. Articles must be edited respecting the following rules:
  • Microsoft Word,
  • For Romanian authors, the article could be edit in the Romanian language, for foreign authors the articles can be edited in English, font: Times New Roman 12,
  • Page set up: left 3 cm for references’ notes; top, bottom, right margins 2 cm.,
  • Pictures, images, graphics: in black-white-grey, with good contrast,
  • It is compulsory for each article to be submitted in electronic form.
  1. Structure of the article:
  • Title of the article,
  • First name, the surname of the authors, affiliation, including the location (if 2 or more institutions, they have to be numbered),
  • E-mail for correspondence,
  • Abstract (in English), font Times New Roman 11, maximum 150 words,
  • Content of the article (in accordance with the rules in the field of the article),
  1. Manuscripts to be submitted for review:
  • Reviews, chronicles, round-ups, notes,
  • Technical, innovation or organizing problems,
  • Clinical cases or actualities,
  • Original researches,
  • General essays.
  1. References
  • Should be edited using Harvard citation style,
  • References not cited inside the text are not admitted,
  1. Articles should be submitted to:
  1. Final notes:
  • The responsibility for the presenting articles in the final printable form belongs to the authors exclusively, and is assumed by the term imprimatur and the signature appearing on the printed copy or by e-mail expressed agreement,
  • Once the article is submitted to the editorial office the authors implicitly express their agreement to its publication in the journal (including on the journal’s site),
  • Manuscripts that do not comply with the instructions for authors or containing multiple language or grammatical errors will be returned,
  • It is compulsory for the authors to submit a valid e-mail address for correspondence with the Editorial Board,
  • The responsibility for the content, for the accuracy of data and information of the article, belongs to the authors,
  • Articles already printed or submitted for publication to other journals are NOT accepted,
  • Article send for publishing must be original,
  • Responsibility for full compliance with copyright belongs to the authors of the article,
  • Jurnalul Medical Brasovean published only the article selected by Editorial Board based on the Scientific Committee review.
  1. Terms for publication:
  • They are no subscription payments.
  1. Read more information on the journal’s site: