Utilizarea anticorpilor monoclonali în carcinoamele de parotidă - prezentare de caz


  • Daniel Ciurescu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


Herceptin, HER2neu, target therapy, parotid carcinoma, immunohistochemistry


Salivary gland cancers make up 1-5% of head and neck oncologic pathology. Because of the low incidence and heterogenity of histiotypes, no standard treatment, based on large randomised trials is available. Immunohistochemistry profiling may help find therapeutic targets and improve the outlook in some patients. This is a case report of a 37 years old male patient, diagnosed in 2006 with mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the left parotid gland who underwent radical surgery in February, after which he received radiochemotherapy. He developed metastasis with different treatment: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, target therapy. By presenting the benefits of Herceptin treatment, this case report emphasizes the importance of establishing the tumor cell’s molecular profile in rare malignancies, because it may offer the posibility of a targeted therapy, with minimum toxicity and maximum antineoplastic activity that may change the outlook in some patients.

Author Biography

Daniel Ciurescu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină





Cazuri clinice