Îmbunătățirea practicilor de prescriere la vârstnici


  • Andrea Neculau Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


prescribe drugs, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, elderly


Prescribing is an important part o care delivered to the elderly. But the way we prescribe critically affect the outcome of the patient. Adverse reactions to drugs can cause death and hospitalization. Figures from USA are showing an increase of death rates consecutive to adverse reaction to drugs situating them on the fourth position after coronary heart disease, cancer and stroke. Elderly are prone to experience adverse reactions to different drugs due to their particularities in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. It is also important to consider that elderly have multiple co- morbidities that require multiple drug association that can increase the risk. Patients may also be prescribed drugs from several sources (multiple doctors, multiple hospitals). The use of OTC is frequently disconsidered. Preoccupation in improving prescription in the elderly has led to the development of some instruments. Some of them are analyzed in this review. There are also some recommendations for improving prescribing practices for this category of patients.





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