Impactul infecțiilor respiratorii asupra copiilor din creșe, gradinițe și şcoli


  • Ligia Grad Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


influenza, promoting health, hygiene measures


Cold and viruses reflect their action against the population’s state of health; one of the risk groups is represented by children. Specific morbidity by respiratory infectious diseases, especially influenza depends on the age and hygiene in teaching units. The educational process is interrupted by the absence of the pupil, and then it follows medication and recovery. By studying unhealthy habits, we can avoid missing classes and squandering money on treatments. We have to know the impact of these phenomena in Brasov schools and kindergartens. Thus, it can be evaluated the efficiency of promoting health programs. We have suggested how to improve the preventive-care and the curative measures. Education for health in family and school can make efficient all medical efforts.

Author Biography

Ligia Grad, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină





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