Comportamentul cu risc la elevi


  • Ligia Grad Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


risk behaviour, education for health


Risc behaviour is one of the most important public health problem in pupils all over the world. It can be studied in six main parts: smoking, drinking alcohol, drug consumption, unhealthy nutrition, avoiding phisical effort, unprotected sex. We have to know the reality and the impact of this phenomena in romanian high-schools, on critical ages. By applying sevaral question-tests in a sanitary high-school from Brasov City, we can understand where rise from the real causes of getting ill in adulthood. Education for health is necessary to correct wrong behaviours and a final test can proove the image of being healthy. The respect for good habbits and right models can be cultivated since early childhood.

Author Biography

Ligia Grad, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină





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