Sarcoidoza – boala sistemică cu dificultăți de diagnostic sarcoidosis
sarcoidosis, systemic granulomatosis, epithelioid granulomaAbstract
Sarcoidosis is a systemic granulomatous disease of unknown aetiology, that primarily affects the lung, but can produce granulomatous inflammation in any organ and this make the diagnosis difficult. The diagnosis is establishesd when clinical and radiological aspects are backed up by epitheloid granuloma in one or more organs at the biopsy or by a positive Kweim-Siltzbach cutaneous test. The systemic sarcoisosis diagnosis is not a difficult one, but it is important a careful medical judgement and collaboration between different types of doctors: ophthalmology, dermatology, neurology, internal medicine, family practitioner and pneumology because of the important pulmonary manifestations.Published
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