Vaccinare antipoliomielită
Vaccination is a preventive care method of active immunisation against some diseases. In 1796, Edward Jenner has discovered it and nowadays there are National Programs to prevent infectious diseases. In 1950 Koprowski has tested on the human being the first antipolio vaccine; Salk and Sabin are the two forms of the vaccination applied: IVP and OVP. The risks of oral antipolio vaccine are: postvaccinal palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, death of HIV infected persons. This is why in all developed countries they tend to make instead of OVP, IVP with similar imunogenity and minimal side effects. Even in Romania we have registered a decrease of case frequency by polyomielytis, we cannot ignore the vaccinated societies’ pathology: Brazil, France, Italy, Africa and Latin America have reported an increase of polio cases after vaccination. To avoid several diseases as multiple sclerosis, viral hepatitis and HIV it is necessary to make epidemiological survey and to control risk situations.Published
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