Sindromul și personalitatea Brown-Sequard
Brown-Sequqrd, syndrome, scientific personalityAbstract
President of the French Society of Biology, Brown- Sequard was recognized for his professional probity. Thus, in March / April 1894, finding out that the heart of Brown- Sequard stopped, Pasteur said, with tears in his eyes: “We shared a great friendship… He was a good example of scientific probity/personality. I have known him for many years: nothing ever disturbed our cordial relationship. He was a friend and was a human being". This was his characterization in the view of one of the greatest scientists of all time, the one who described Brown- Sequqrd syndrome - a clinical syndrome resulting from spinal cord hemisection, and characterized by the following disturbances occurring on the same side of the body with the nervous lesion: peripheral neuron paralysis in corresponding territory of the injured spinal cord segment, central neuron paralysis below the corresponding territory of the spinal cord lesion, radicular anaesthesia in the corresponding skin segment, transitional superficial hyperaesthesia below the anaesthetic area, deep kinaesthetic and vibratory anaesthesia below the corresponding territory of the spinal cord lesion.Published
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