Locul statinelor în tratamentul sclerozei valvulare aortice


  • Luminița Latea UMF „Iuliu Haţieganu”, Cluj-Napoca, România
  • Stefania Suta Negrea UMF „Iuliu Haţieganu”, Cluj-Napoca, România


aortic valvular sclerosis, aortic valvular stenosis, statins, atheromatous dynamic control


This study included 40 patients with aortic valvular sclerosis who were treated with Simvacard in a dose of 20-40 mg / day for one year period of time (from January 2007 to December 2007). The study was conducted at Diagnostic and Treatment Center from Cluj-Napoca- Cardiology Department. By this study we wanted to analyse the hypolipemiant effect and pleiotropic effects of statins, in patients with aortic valvular stenosis. The results of this study were in concordance with those from experimental and clinical studies made with statins in patients with aortic valvular sclerosis. Simvacard treatment controlled all lipidic fractions. The prevalence of aortic valvular sclerosis increased proportionally to age of the patients. It was an increase frequence of aortic valvular calcifications in patients with metabolic syndrome compared with patients without metabolic syndrome. Patients from group A (who received statin treatment) presented lower values of the maximal transvalvular velocity compared with patients from group B (with no statin treatment). Patients from group A had one acute cardiovascular event over the study period and patients from group B had 4 cardiovascular events (cardiac arrest and 2 acute myocardial infarctions). Conclusions: Statins treatment in patients with aortic valvular sclerosis, by hypolipemiant effects and pleiotropic effects, can stop the progression of the lesion to aortic valvular sclerosis.





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