Tulburările de nefrogeneză ca factor de risc pentru hipertensiunea arterială


  • Sorin Buzinski Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


birth weight, hypertension, foetal kidney


The establishing of a positive correlation between the low birth weight and essential hypertension in adult age led to research into the development of foetal kidney in lab animals and human subjects. In both types of studies, there has been found a decrease in the number of nephrons, the increase of the glomerular volume corresponding to the filtration hyperpressure and Na-dependent hypertension in adult age. Through stereological three-dimensional techniques it has been established that the morphological modifications, as well as the renal functional ones have a major contribution to the high blood pressure. These disorders are accelerated in expremature in which the foetal metabolically programming leads to pluriorganic dysfunction and a shorter life span.

Author Biography

Sorin Buzinski, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină Braşov;
Spitalul Clinic de Copii Brașov, România





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