Evaluarea neinvazivă a pacienților cu angină pectorală stabilă utilizând tomografia computerizată multislice. Studiu comparativ cu angiocoronarografia invazivă
non-invasive methods, atherosclerosis, tomographyAbstract
Non-invasive methods for detection of coronary atherosclerosis have been limited to indirect markers, such as myocardial perfusion or wall motion during exercise or pharmacological stress. However, advances in multislice computed tomography (MSCT) now allow sufficient spatial resolution for direct non-invasive imaging of the coronary arteries. This study was performed to compare the diagnostic performance of MSCT with invasive coronary angiography. We analysed 38 patients with stable angina pectoris. MSCT has an excellent sensitivity and specificity for detection of 50% diameter stenosis, in native coronary arteries and bypass grafts. Further technical developments promise to render MSCT the ideal non-invasive tool for direct visualisation of the coronary arteries.Published
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