Anemia carențială - o problemă în practica pediatrică
anaemia, mutritional, infants, digestive or respiratory diseasesAbstract
Introduction: Nutritional anaemia’s represent an important lowered level of haemoglobin and\or haematocrit concentration and also of red blood cells number by volume, following inadequate nourishment, essential for developing red blood cells. Targets: The assessment of an infant group hospitalized during 4 months in Paediatrics Hospital in Brasov, with clinical and paraclinical manifestations of nutritional anaemia and establishing some associations between the age, multiple disease, nourishment and their social and economical status. Matter contained and method: we had in view around 200 infants hospitalized in Paediatrics Hospital from Brasov for nutritional anaemia, taking into consideration: the period of gestation, newborn’s weight, the way the baby was delivered, parents’ age and their social and economical status, nourishment, associated diseases, paraclinical exams and treatment in hospital. Results: From the 200 infants, 29% were between 7 and 9 months old, 71 % were boys and 63% with a precarious background. The medium age of their parents was 25 for mothers and 28 for fathers, and in most of this cases the infant was at least the second child of the family. More than 80% of the pregnancies were spontaneous deliveries, 70% were by term, and the medium weight of the newborns was 2700 grams. Most of them had been fed with breast milk and the mixed nourishment was introduced at 4 months old. Of the 200 infants, 30% developed rickets and malnutrition, 25% acute dehydration syndrome, 35% respiratory infections and 8% other diseases. Most of the patients were more times hospitalized. In what the lab exams are concerned, the red blood cells had a medium value of 4.000.000/mm3, haemoglobin was between 8-10g\dl, and the eritrocitar haemoglobin index showed a hipocrome microcytic anaemia the iron ha medium value of 40mg/dl, the blood smear showed lots of anulocyts and anizocyts, hipocromic and macrocitar. All infants had a good evolution after the treatment. Conclusions: there were an increased number of hospitalized infants with nutritional anaemia, in a short period of time, most of them coming from a poor background. About 90% of the anaemia’s been due to inadequate nourishment and were associated with digestive or respiratory diseases. We underline how essential is to have more efficient informing programs, as far as infants nourishment is concerned, especially in rural environment and in the low educated families.Published
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