Evaluarea percepției modificării stilului de viață la pacientul hipertensiv - studiu pe 500 de cazuri
hypertensive, life styleAbstract
Background: Life style modification advice is essential in the management of the hypertensive patients. Objective: Evaluate the degree of education of hypertensive patients in relation with life style modification advice. Material and method: We interrogate 500 hypertensive patients regarding their degree of education concerning life style management. We consider as variables: age, sex, weight, presence of diabetes, and antihypertensive medical treatment. Statistics: Pearson analysis. Results: Most of the adults (90%), with known hypertension reported receiving some type of advice. Advice to reduce the salt intake was reported most frequently (78%), followed by changing the eating habits (64%), reduction of alcohol intake (42%), and exercise advice (58%). Life style modification advice were reported more frequently in patients younger than 60 years old (odd ratio OR 1,41; 95% confidence interval IC 1,11-1,78), in obese and overweight patients (IMC≥30kg/m²) compared with normal and underweight patients (OR 1,64; 95% IC, 2,25-3,34), and persons receiving antihypertensive medication (OR 2,24;95% IC, 2,25-3,34). Conclusion: Older persons, persons not taking antihypertensive medication, and individuals who are nor overweight or obese are less likely to report receiving life style modification advice.Published
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