Evaluarea rezistenței la antibiotice a germenilor implicați în infecția plăgilor la pacienți spitalizați
wound infections, antibiotics, patients, bacteriaAbstract
Wound infections represent a medical issue of great concern comprising significant percentages from the hospitalacquired infections. Our retrospective study has included 1621 bacterial strains isolated from wound secretions of the patients hospitalized in the surgical departments of the Clinical County Emergence Hospital of Braşov, for the period of 2007-2008. The etiological spectrum of the wound infections was wide, including Gram-positive cocci and Gramnegative bacilli of different genres. The isolated bacteria strains have presented different degrees of resistance to antibiotics. The percentage of MRSA in wound infections was 24% while the percentage of Enterobacteriaceae strains producing ESBL was 1.5%.