Cercetări histochimice privind raportul NADH2-citocrom-C-reductaza / lactat-dehi-drogenaza în glomerulonefrite
NADH2-cytochrome-c reductase, lactatdehidrogenaza, glomerulonephritisAbstract
Was investigated by histochemical methods, aerobic oxidative activity (NADH2-cytochrome-c reductase), compared with biodegradation glicoliza (lactatdehidrogenaza) in human kidney renal disease (glomerulonephritis). There were observed metabolic changes characteristic of the nature of the enzyme studied, after taking into account the nefron segment and after epithelial or connective cell types, in their composition or inflammatory infiltrate. Of the enzymes tested, the highest level of activity lies NADH2-cytochrome-c reductase, Reduction aerobic oxidative enzyme, located in mitochondria, organs involved in energy generation needed for all cellular functions. Glicoliza anaerobic (lactatdehidrogenaza) is low in most cells investigated.