Identificarea motivației abandonării fumatului crește rata de succes în sevrajul tabagic, prin individualizarea principiilor de terapie comportamentală


  • Gheorghe Deaconu Spitalul „Constantin Anastasatu”, Mihăeşti – Vâlcea, România
  • Elena Danteș Universitatea „Ovidius”, Constanța, România; Spital Clinic Pneumoftiziologie Constanţa, România
  • Dana Alexandrescu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România
  • Milena Man Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca, România


smoking cessation, behavioural therapy, reasons to quit smoking


Knowing the smoker’s motivation in their decision to quit this habit increases the success rate by combining drug therapy in smoking cessation syndrome with psycho-behavioural techniques. The retrospective descriptive study followed the most important reasons for smoking cessation for 918 smokers who have been admitted at smoking cessation program. Results: the most frequent reason for smoking cessation was related to the health state (53.38%), but also by constantly increasing burden of cigarettes’ prices (61.44%). Also, the motivation “it’s enough” was frequently specified (65.25%), along with the partner’s pressure (39.32%) and the desire not to be addicted (47.82%). Recognition of smoking cessation motivations led to the identification of principles of behavioural therapy for each individual by psychiatrist.

Author Biographies

Elena Danteș, Universitatea „Ovidius”, Constanța, România; Spital Clinic Pneumoftiziologie Constanţa, România

Facultatea de Medicină

Dana Alexandrescu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină





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