Caracterizarea tipului de autoimunitate asociată infecției cronice VHC într-un lot de 289 pacienți cu hepatită cronică cu virus C
hepatitis C, persistent infection, autoimmunity, antibodies, prevalenceAbstract
In the light of the high prevalence of non organ-specific autoantibodies in chronic hepatitis C, the possibility that such a finding may represent the consequence of a viral, autoimmune or overlapping disease should be considered, which may in turn require a different therapeutically approach. Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of serological autoimmune markers in chronic hepatitis C. We performed a retrospective review of the records of 289 patients with chronic hepatitis with HCV infection at the County Hospital Braşov between 2001 and 2009. Records were reviewed for results of autoimmune markers in sera, including anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), anti-smooth muscle antibodies (SMA), rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA), anti-liver and kidney microsomal (LKM) antibodies, cryoglobulins. Results: The mean age was 51.2+/-11.1 years and 34% were men. Among 289 included patients. 40 patients (35%) exhibited non-organ-specific autoantibodies: 19 patients were SMA positive, 28 ANA positive, and 5 were LKM1 positive. Conclusion: a high presence of positivity, in both men and women.