Consideraţii etice privind cercetarea pe celule stem embrionare


  • Antonella Cheșcă Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


stem cells, bioethics issue, differentiation potential, genetic status


The properties of the stem cells are the subject of numerous researches and debates, as well as the starting point of numerous technologies. In the same time, the stem cells represent a major bioethics issue, through the scientific, religious, philosophic and ethic implications that their use might have on the human being and on the future of human kind. The stem cells have the ability to transform in more than one type of cells during their development. Its proliferation capacity and its ability to specialize define the stem cell as being unique. The stem cells may self-reproduce several times, having the ability to self-renew. It is important to determine the genetic status of these cells in order to maintain them, to know their differentiation potential and their conduct after the transplantation.

Author Biography

Antonella Cheșcă, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






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