Cărţi de botanică şi farmacopei din perioada Renaşterii | [Botanical books and pharmacopoeia in the renaissance]


  • Maria Besciu Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, România
  • Nicolae Marcu Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, România


drugs, botany, pharmacy, Renaissance, library, plants


In the Renaissance physicians and pharmacists made a lot of efforts to obtain new drugs and to systematize pharmaceutical and pharmacological knowledge. The botany and the chemistry have contributed greatly to the development of pharmacy and medicine. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical treasury was enriched with many new plant products that entered the pharmacy time, terms such as Sarsaparilla root, guiac wood, cascarilla, Tolu and Peru balm, China nodosa, tea, coffee, Coke, Jalapa, Capsicum, Ipecacuanha, etc. The pharmacologist physicians had dedicated important papers to the description of the exotic plants. From the collaboration of the artists and the botanists have seen the light pattern exquisitely illustrated works, engravings, and woodcuts in copper. In the case study, I chronologically present and analyze a series of papers on botany and the first pharmacopeia of some famous scientists of the Renaissance. Works studied are part of the collection of the History of Pharmacy Aboca Museum collection, while others are found in our library.






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