Reevaluarea metodelor biofizice de supraveghere fetală în sarcina cu risc crescut prin hipertensiune arterială | [Reassessment of biophysical methods in fetal monitoring high-risk pregnancy by hypertension]
biophysical methods, fetal monitoring, hypertensionAbstract
Objectives: To assess the predictive value of biophysical methods for fetal monitoring for developing fetal hypoxia in hypertensive pregnancies. Material and Methods: Prospective study on 208 hypertensive pregnant women in their last trimester of pregnancy. Tests used for the prediction of fetal hypoxia are non-stress tests, biophysical profiles, and Doppler velocimetry. Results: abnormal results were correlated with low birth Apgar Index. Conclusion: If protocols of fetal status evaluation by biophysical methods are followed strictly, the diagnostic accuracy rate exceeds 90 percent.