Particularităţi clinico-evolutive ale varicelei la gravide şi la nou-născuţi | [Chickenpox – clinical characteristic feature to newborn babies and pregnant women]


  • Maria-Elena Cocuz Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


chickenpox, new-borns, pregnant women


Introduction and aims: Chickenpox, an infectious and contagious disease, characteristic of childhood, with good evolution to a healthy child, may develop severe complications in special groups of patients (newborns and pregnant women). The aim of this study was to analyze some clinical aspects of chickenpox in pregnant women and newborns. Material and methods: Retrospective study, based on medical data from medical documents of newborns and pregnant women hospitalized with chickenpox in Infectious Diseases Hospital of Brasov between 2010-2011. Results: There were hospitalized 6 new-borns (with good condition and without nervous or pulmonary complications to admission in hospital) and 3 pregnant women (with bad condition to admission, two patients without complications, and one with viral pneumonia). With etiological treatment (Aciclovir) and against symptoms, promptly applied, the evolution was favorable to all patients, without complications of the disease and of the pregnancy. Conclusions: In the period 2010-2011 in the Infectious Diseases Hospital of Brasov was hospitalized a reduced number of newborns and pregnant women with chickenpox. Evolution was favorable in all cases with specific treatment, without severe complications.

Author Biography

Maria-Elena Cocuz, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






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