Aspecte privind comunicarea riscului în managementul obezităţii | [Health risk communication in the management of obesity]


  • Andrei Nanu UMF București, România
  • Daniel Leucuţa UMF București, România


obesity, health risk, communication, informed decision


The aim of the study is to assess the role of health risk communication in the management of obesity. It will be discussed knowledge, attitude, and behavior change achieved through risk communication. The target population consists of 88 overweight and obese patients which are divided into two groups one that received information about risk and another with no information. Risk communication where done through one-by-one counseling, group discussion, support groups, and educational material offers. Study results show that health risk communication increases knowledge awareness and interest among overweight persons regarding the health risks of obesity. Risk communication doesn’t have any influence on treatment components: initiation, compliance, and treatment monitoring. The most effective communication method is the one-to-one discussion among patients and medical staff. Additional factors such as age, gender, and educational level may have a positive impact on treatment initiation in obese patients.






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