Consideraţii asupra situaţiei medicinei complementare şi alternative în România şi în Europa | [Considerations on the situation of complementary and alternative medicine in Romania and in Europe]


  • Mădălina Buzescu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


complementary alternative medicine, research


The research presented in this paper aims to review the situation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Europe, regarding legal reglementations, the needs of the population, the situation, and reliability of research methods in this field, as well as the degree in which the demands of the patients can be fulfilled by practitioners. Several European studies are focused on these research issues and the present general paper is trying to concentrate their conclusions in order to be able to adapt the efforts in the right direction, to meet the patients’ needs and requests for this kind of medical approach. As medical practitioners, we meet patients with increasing interest in complementary medical methods, especially in the last decade. It is our subsequent duty to research if these methods are effective and if the findings are positive, to do our best to become competent to fulfill the medical needs of our patients.

Author Biography

Mădălina Buzescu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






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