Influenţa tratamentului medicamentos preoperator asupra incidenţei hematomului cervical postrevascularizare carotidiană | [The influence of preoperative drug treatment on the incidence of cervical hematoma after carotid revascularisation]
cervical haematoma, carotid endarterectomy, antiagregantAbstract
Introduction: Cervical haematoma is one of the local complications of carotid endarterectomy. Cervical haematoma may determine oesophageal compression or tracheal deviation. We evaluated the correlation between cervical haematoma and preoperative antiagregant treatment. Material and methods: We evaluated 100 consecutive patients retrospectively, operated with carotid endarterectomy between 2009 and 2011. Group A of 48 patients had monoantiagregant preoperative treatment; group B of 52 patients had dual preoperative antiagregant treatment. Results: We observed cervical haematomas in 16 patients from the overall of 100, 13 in group B. Evaluation of age, sex, surgical technique and local drainage showed no differences between the 2 groups. The group with monoantiagregant preoperative treatment had a lesser chance of developing cervical haematoma (P = 0.022). Conclusions: Preoperative autoaggregation is crucial for a successful carotid endarterectomy procedure. We sustain the use of monoantiagregant preoperative treatment which is associated with fewer cervical haematomas as local haemorrhagic complications instead of dual antiagregant preoperative therapy.