Supraexpresia timidilat sintetazei ca şi factor de prognostic în cancerul O.R.L. rezistent la tratament | [Thymidylate synthase overexpression as a prognostic factor in cancer treatment-resistant ENT]


  • Daniel Ciurescu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


Thymidylate synthase, 5-FU, Head and Neck Cancer, resistance


Thymidylate synthase (TS) is an important target for 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) therapy in Head and Neck cancer. In clinical settings, TS levels appear to be a predictive factor in patients’ outcomes and long-term survival. It is obvious that high levels of TS expressed by tumoral cells are implicated in resistance to 5- FU therapy in colorectal, gastric, and other cancer types, while low levels are associated with better response. We evaluated clinical data and laboratory findings existing in the oncologic literature regarding the involvement of TS in induced resistance to standard therapy schemas on the basis of 5-FU in Head and Neck cancer. The purpose is to highlight the importance of pre-therapy TS dosage in order to predict treatment response.

Author Biography

Daniel Ciurescu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






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