Evaluarea electrodiagnostica a polineuropatiei in diabet zaharat si prediabet | [Electrodiagnostic evaluation of polyneuropathy in diabetes and prediabetes]


  • Ana Maria Scutaru (Galamb) Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România
  • Ioan Dan Minea Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


electro-diagnosis, polyneuropathy, diabetes mellitus


From the point of view of electro-diagnostic testing, diabetic polyneuropathy is sensitive-motor axonal with a diffusely distributed pattern and associated entrapment syndromes. Lately, there have been reported a number of cases with positive electro-diagnostic testing at pre-diabetic patients or newly discovered polyneuropathy revealing patients with pre-diabetes. The examination of late responses is of great value, the F wave altered parameters are revealed in the majority of cases, and about one-half of the patients have absent H reflex and/or entrapment syndromes. Electro-diagnostic testing can reveal severe polyneuropathy in patients without symptoms and most important in patients with pre-diabetes but there is still a low addressability of patients with diabetes mellitus at electro-diagnostic testing and even lower in pre-diabetes patients.

Author Biographies

Ana Maria Scutaru (Galamb) , Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină

Ioan Dan Minea, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






Studii originale