Sindromul de burnout la personalul din secţiile de oncopediatrie, terapie intensivă pediatrică şi îngrijiri paliative pediatrice | [Staff Burnout Syndrome in Onco-Pediatrics Departments, ICU and Pediatric Palliative Care settings]


  • Theodora Mathe Hospice Casa Speranței, Braşov, România
  • Daniela Moșoiu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


burnout syndrome, paediatrics, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, low level of personal achievements


When a child has a life-threatening and limiting illness, healthcare professionals who provide the care may develop the burn-out syndrome, meaning ”extinction of motivation or stimulus, especially when commitment to a cause doesn’t bring the expected results”. Aim: Identification of burnout syndrome for staff from once-pediatrics departments, ICU, and pediatric palliative care units. Method: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was done in 5 medical units from Brasov and Bucharest. MBI shows 3 domains: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low level of personal achievements. SPSS 11 was used for analyzing the data. Results: 170 healthcare professionals received the questionnaire, response rate of 75.8%. The domain most influenced was personal achievements (83.75% high and moderate burn-out), followed by depersonalization (75.97%) and emotional exhaustion (39.54%). Most of the respondents (73.64%) don’t recognize their need for specialized support.

Author Biography

Daniela Moșoiu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






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