Rezistenţa generală la pacientul cu astm bronşic | [General resistance in patients with asthma]


  • Cristian Georgescu Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Craiova, Română
  • Magdalena Diaconu Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Craiova, Română
  • Monica Țânțu Spitalul Județean de Urgență Pitești, România


asthma, overall body strength, pulmonary rehabilitation program


Asthma is a major health problem, a complex heterogeneous, multifactorial disease, an inflammatory bronchial process, and increased tracheobronchial hyperresponsiveness to various stimuli that generate and maintain bronchial obstruction [1, 2, 3]. General resistance of the organism is the ability to perform natural complex activities over a greater period of time, the effort being carried at low intensity. This includes aerobic exercise, involving muscle mass in three major systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic. In any patient with AB – RG it is disturbed [4]. This article refers to 17 chronic asthmatic patients, diagnosed according to NHLBI / WHO 1998 with persistent intrinsic easy and moderate asthma who have received comprehensive healthcare (medical - physical - kinetic). Studied patients have been applied to a pulmonary rehabilitation program for 6 weeks, which was represented by: medication, education, physiotherapy, electrotherapy, and psychological support. The main role of the rehabilitation program is the re-adaptation / maintenance of overall resilience - the ability to exercise and increase the quality of life index.






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