Managementul analizelor de laborator în UPU- Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Braşov; studiu preliminar efectuat în noiembrie 2011 | [Management of laboratory analyses in emergency unit- at Brasov County Hospital a preliminary study made in Nov ...]
emergency, analyses, efficiencyAbstract
Objective: All patients need fair and effective treatment when calling the emergency services of SCUJ BV. The patients of SCUJ should be treated equally. An important part is the diagnostic laboratory tests, along with other laboratory investigations (Rx, CT). Also, the emergency investigation costs should be monitored so as not to squander the funds allocated for emergency medicine, and potential patients may not receive the same access to emergency services [5; 6; 14; 15]. Method: The study presented in this article is made up of a total of 172 patients, who were submitted to the UPU service SCJU BV on the 27th and 28th of November, 2011. This study was made on the basis of observation and data sheets obtained from the hospital information system. After collecting data from the 172 observation sheets, it was entered into a database, and subsequently analyzed and interpreted, based on various criteria related to disease, damaged equipment, etc. Results: For all patients, it was made number 365 analyzed, from which 25.82% are HLG, 25.00% biochemistry, 21.98% ionogramme, 12.91% heart enzyme, 7.69% bilirubin and amylase level in blood 3.85% coagulogram blood test, and 2.75% urinalysis. Conclusions: There was an uneven approach presented in UPU cases because the hospital system and medical staff in the absence of conclusive treatment guidelines reacted randomly leading to an inefficient approach to solving the medical problems of patients. Faulty applications of laboratory tests involving unjustified costs and incomplete diagnosis are completed by unjustified emergency hospital admissions.