Prevalența evenimentelor cardiovasculare în raport cu modificările tensiunii arteriale, frecvenței cardiace și electrocardiogramei la practicanții drumețiilor montane. Studiu pe un eșantion de 56 de subiecți din grupa de vârsta 46-55 de ani


  • Gheorghe Banu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


cardiovascular events, angina of effort, blood pressure jump, ischemic ST-T, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors


Trekking is not practiced only by apparently healthy people, but also by an increased number of subjects with risk factors associated with subclinical or diagnosed cardiovascular diseases, with or without treatment. This study has focused on a sample of 56 subjects belonging to the age group 46-55 years and is part of ample research on a group of 164 trekkers, aged between 35 and 65 years. They were monitored by measuring the blood pressure, heart rate, and electrocardiogram on a route between Bușteni (850 m), up the Cerbului Valley (2000 m) to Omu Peak (2500 m), and back. The conclusions were: for the untreated hypertensive, blood pressure jumps determine more frequently cardiovascular events with clinical expression of angina of effort and electrocardiographic changes of ischemic ST -T; treated hypertensive patients have moderate tolerance to climbing effort with ischemic ECG changes in dynamics; cardiovascular events of the type: angina, arrhythmias, myocardial sequelae were not complicated with fatal or non -fatal events.

Author Biography

Gheorghe Banu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină;
Spitalul Militar de Urgență „Regina Maria” Brașov, România






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