Terapia cu presiune negativa în tratamentul plăgilor dificile: baze fiziopatologice si evidentă clinica | [The negative pressure therapy for difficult wounds: physiopathological basis and clinical evidence]


  • Petre V.H. Boţianu Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Târgu-Mureș, România
  • Anca Bacârea Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Târgu Mureş, România
  • Vladimir Bacârea Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Târgu Mureş, România


difficult wounds, negative pressure therapy, evidence-based medicine


This paper presents a literature review concerning the actual arguments for using negative pressure therapy in clinical practice; this method has recently emerged as a possibility to accelerate the healing process, being used more and more frequently for difficult wounds. The use of this therapy is based mainly on experimental data and observational studies, associated with the simplicity of its use and the absence of significant complications. In many clinical situations, there are no randomized clinical trials to support its routine use. The exact indications are difficult to establish using an evidence-based approach due to the great heterogeneity of both the patients and wounds, further, prospective randomized studies are necessary.






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