Biosticla - cel mai nou tip de biomaterial cu un mare potential osteointegrator | [Bioglass - the newest type of biomaterial with great potential of osteointegration]


  • Laura Floroian Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România
  • Mihaela Badea Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România
  • Iosif Şamotă Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


biomaterials, bioglass, osteointegration


Bioglass is a chemical compound that is part of a compositional family with the best bioactivity properties demonstrated by the connection with living tissue within a few hours. This new class of biomaterials, based on a mixture of amorphous oxide (SiO2-Na2O-CaO-MgO K2O-P2O5), was patented in 1968 by Larry Hench by preparing well-known Bioglass 45S5. Depending on the percentage of SiO2 mainly these biomaterials can be bioinert, bioactive, and bioresorbable. Hench and Clark were the first researchers who observed this material bioactivity in vitro and in vivo have demonstrated the potential osteointegrable. There have also been noted antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to easily control the crystallinity by applying appropriate heat treatments present in the vitreous phase bioglass. All these are arguments for this class of biomaterials to be a prime objective of the research in the field.

Author Biographies

Laura Floroian, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică și Știința Calculatoarelor

Mihaela Badea, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină

Iosif Şamotă, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






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