Dilatație anevrismală după fistulă arterio-venoasă radio-cefalică pentru dializă | [Aneurysmal dilatation after radio-cephalic arterio-venous fistula for dialysis]


  • Petre Vlah-Horea Boțianu Surgical Clinic IV UMPh Târgu-Mureș, Romania
  • Anca Bacarea Pathophysiology Discipline UMPh Târgu-Mureș, Romania
  • Radu Chirteș Surgical Clinic IV UMPh Târgu-Mureș, Romania
  • Paul Ionescu Surgical Clinic I, Mureș Clinical County Hospital, Romania
  • Gabriela Boțianu ICU – Cardio-Vascular and Transplantation Institute from Târgu-Mureș, Romania


arterio-venous fistula, aneurysmal dilatation


We report a rare case of aneurysmal dilatation developed at the level of a Brescia-Cimino arteriovenous fistula performed for dialysis. In the particular clinical situation of our patient (significant clinical complaints and functional renal transplantation) we performed an excision of the fistula with the reconstruction of the radial artery by an autologous venous graft interposition, with a good postoperative outcome. Although this solution was more technically demanding, it has allowed both a complete excision of the fistula and aneurysmal dilatation and the preservation of the hand blood supply.






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