Sindromul de burnout scăzut și moderat la personalul din secțiile de oncopediatrie, terapie intensivă pediatrică și îngrijiri paliative pediatrice | [ Low and moderate burnout syndrome at the Pediatric Oncology, Paediatric Intensive Care and ...]
burnout syndrome, pediatric, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, low personal achievementsAbstract
Professional activities very demanding in terms of emotional and interpersonal networking, specific to the profession as a physician, nurse, psychologist, or social worker may have negative consequences described in the literature as the burnout syndrome: a three-dimensional construct composed of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low personal achievements. Aim analysis of the characteristics of people with low and medium burn-out syndrome in departments where staff come into contact with patients aged below 18 years. Method: The study was conducted on a group of 129 medical employees from health care, who had applied the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI); The analysis covered three domains: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low level of personal achievements. Results and Conclusions: People with medium and low levels of burnout do not recognize the need for professional help in a significant proportion: regarding depersonalization (54.26% and 16.28%) and personal achievements (19.38% and 12.38%).