Studiu retrospectiv privind modificările meteorologice și apariția infecțiilor acute ale căilor respiratorii superioare în județul Brașov | [Retrospective study on changes in weather and the occurrence of acute upper respiratory tract infections...]
temperature, humidity, respiratory tract infectionsAbstract
Background: The variables of temperatures (sudden temperature drop) and humidity (high values) express a high risk of upper respiratory tract infections. Material and methods: Starting from this we gathered the necessary data to see the meteorological modifications correlated to the appearance of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in Brasov County we performed a retrospective study in Brasov, analyzing a period of 3 years, between 2011 and 2013. Conclusions and discussions: Low temperatures together with a high value of humidity revealed an increase in Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. Low temperatures also showed a decrease in the body's defense mechanism against infections which resulted in a higher rate of reported cases. Brasov County has a unique meteorological characteristic with lower temperatures and high humidity compared to other parts of Romania. The results showed an increase in upper respiratory tract infections at medium temperatures from the years included in the study.