Melanomul malign cutanat – prezentarea unui caz cu o formă atipică şi foarte agresivă | [Cutaneous malignant melanoma - presenting a case with a quirky and very aggressive form]


  • Rumi Eugen Anghel-Savciu Spitalul Judeţean Clinic de Urgenţă Craiova, România
  • Maria Vrabete Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Craiova, România
  • Florin Popa Spitalul Judeţean Clinic de Urgenţă Craiova, România
  • Raluca Ciurea Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Craiova, România
  • Monica Ţânţu Universitatea din Pitești, România
  • Magdalena Diaconu Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Craiova, România


malignant melanoma, metastasis, unfavourable prognosis


Malignant melanoma (MM) is the most severe and aggressive form of skin cancer, consisting of malignancy cells responsible for melanin synthesis. Its prevalence is low but with a clear upward tendency, especially in whites, recognizing as the main risk factor the exposure to ultraviolet radiation type B. The prognosis is unfavorable, being influenced by the degree of depth invasion. Despite the therapeutic multidisciplinary approach, the survival is on average 6-8 months, whereas after 5 years the survival rate is less than 5% for MM stage IV. The presented case, a man aged 76 years with large malignant melanoma situated in the upper back, with multiple cutaneous metastases, falls into the latter category. Diagnosed late, he had an unfavorable surgery, dying 3 weeks after surgery, intraoperatively we found metastasis also at the level of the adipose tissue and partial muscular tissue.

Author Biographies

Rumi Eugen Anghel-Savciu, Spitalul Judeţean Clinic de Urgenţă Craiova, România

Clinica de Chirurgie Plastică

Florin Popa, Spitalul Judeţean Clinic de Urgenţă Craiova, România

Clinica de Chirurgie Plastică






Cazuri clinice