Studiu retrospectiv (2014-2015) privind incidenţa infecţiilor nosocomiale în secţia de chirurgie plastică a SCJUBv | [A retrospective study (2014-2015) regarding the incidence of nosocomial infections in the plastic surgery department of County...]


  • Dan Ovidiu Grigorescu Universitatea Transilvania Brașov, România
  • Maria-Cristina Mateescu Universitatea Transilvania Brașov, România


nosocomial infections, trauma, patients, protocols


The primary objectives of this study were to identify correctly the etiologic agents of NIs, the incidence rate of NIs, and the most common microbial associations. Method: We conducted a two years retrospective analysis of all the patients with trauma, hospitalized in the Plastic Surgery Department. The variables studied were the demographic data, the diagnosis on admission into the hospital, the mechanism of injury, the length of hospitalization, and the results of bacteriological samples. Results: Among the 2459 patients included in the study, 158 developed NIs, totaling 229 NIs episodes. In 18% of cases, it was identified multidrug-resistant pathogen bacteria. Conclusions: The most common microorganisms isolated were gram-positive bacteria. Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus accounted for 23% of all isolates and Enterococcus spp. for 12%. The microbial associations led to an increased length of hospitalization. In the present conditions, the Nis prevention and surveillance protocols should be either optimized or, if possible, replaced by new ones. As a condition to become effective, these protocols must be strictly followed.

Author Biographies

Dan Ovidiu Grigorescu, Universitatea Transilvania Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină;
Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Brașov, România

Maria-Cristina Mateescu, Universitatea Transilvania Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină






Studii originale