Aspecte etice şi practice ale comunicării în nursing |[Ethical and practical aspects of communication in nursing]


  • Monica Ţânţu Universitatea din Pitești, România
  • Magdalena Diaconu Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Craiova, România
  • Cristina Pleșa Universitatea “Titu Maiorescu” Bucureşti, România
  • Carmen Domnariu Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, România


nursing, communication, ethics, practice, satisfaction


Communication is an important process in our daily lives, both socially and professionally. Ethical behavior in communicative relationships with the patient is emerging as a permanent goal in the practice of nursing. Ethical communication in nursing involves respect for the cultural identity of the patient and for their values and beliefs, seeks to understand and improve the general state of health, and gains autonomy in meeting basic needs. Communication is a predictor of the compliance of the patient to the nursing plan. In nursing practice it is conducive to combine the use of tools to obtain information, given the complex interactional and private situations, given the direct link between structuring communication relationships and the type of information obtained, and that there aren’t any optimum methods of data collection. Effective communication and ethics in nursing facilitate patient-nurse trust relationships and increase satisfaction regarding medical care received.






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