Efectele inducției travaliului asupra legăturii postpartum mamă-copil și a nivelului de anxietate | [The effects of labor induction on postpartum mother-infant bonding and anxiety levels]
anxiety, labor, mother-infant attachment, oxytocin inductionAbstract
Introduction: Labor induction may cause anxiety for the expectant mother. Objective: This study was conducted to examine the effects of oxytocin induction in labor on postpartum mother-infant attachment and anxiety levels. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with 416 women. Women who received oxytocin induction in labor constituted the case group, and those who did not receive oxytocin induction constituted the control group. The data were collected with a "Personal Information Form", the "Mother-Infant Attachment Scale" and the "State-Trait Anxiety Inventory". Results: In the study, the mean mother-infant attachment and state anxiety scores of the case group were found to be significantly higher than those of the control group. Conclusion: It was concluded that women who were administered oxytocin induction in labor had lower levels of mother-infant attachment and higher levels of state anxiety than those who were not.
Introducere: Inducerea travaliului poate provoca anxietate pentru mama însărcinată. Obiectiv principal al studiului: Acest studiu a fost realizat pentru a examina efectele corelației dintre inducția travaliului cu oxitocină, atașamentul postpartum mamă-copil și nivelul de anxietate. Rezultate: Studiul a fost realizat pe 416 femei. Femeile care au primit inducerea oxitocinei în travaliu au constituit grupul de cazuri, iar cele care nu au primit inducția oxitocinei au constituit grupul de control. Datele au fost colectate cu un "Formular de informații cu caracter personal", "Scala de atașament mamă-copil" și "Inventarul anxietății trăsăturilor de stat". Concluzii: Concluzionând, femeile cărora li s-a administrat oxitocina pentru inducerea travaliului au avut niveluri mai scăzute de atașament mamă-copil și niveluri mai ridicate de anxietate.
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