Relațiile dintre nivelurile de stres, calitatea vieții și empatie ale studenților facultății de medicină |[Relationships between medical students levels of stress, quality of life and empathy]


  • Daniela Popa Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


Empathy, Anxiety, Life satisfaction, Medical Education


Empathy is an important skill that professionals in the medical field should demonstrate. This study aims to investigate the correlations between students’ self-perceived levels of stress, well-being, and empathy. A cross-sectional design was used, with data collection in a single sequence, from a non-randomized sample of 223 undergraduate students, distributed into 4 groups (the first year, the second, the third, and the fourth year of studies), with no intended intervention. There were administered online 5 questionnaires. Current research shows that students who show a high level of stress are less likely to report a favorable attitude toward expressing empathy. Also, the higher they perceive the quality of life, the more empathetic they consider themselves in their relations with patients. The study emphasizes some significant ways to enhance aspects of professionalism.

Author Biography

Daniela Popa, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației






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