Limitele și eficacitatea terapiei ocupaționale în sindromul de Tunel Carpian | [Limits and effectiveness of occupational therapy in Carpal Tunel Syndrome]


  • Simona Vetu Institutul Național de Medicină Fizică și Balneoclimatologie, București, România
  • Mariana Constantinovici Institutul Național de Medicină Fizică și Balneoclimatologie, București, România; Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”, București, România
  • Adriana Sarah Nica Institutul Național de Medicină Fizică și Balneoclimatologie, București, România; Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”, București, România


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Hand therapy, Occupational Therapy


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of the upper limb, affecting motor, sensory, and vegetative fibers of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. This article attempts to highlight the limits and effectiveness of occupational therapy in this pathology. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy both play essential roles in hand therapy including rehabilitation for carpal tunnel syndrome. Their role in the rehabilitation program is to identify and evaluate the patient’s impairment and disability according to ICF and to improve the patient’s ability to perform independently daily activities. Also, the disability induced by median nerve injury in CTS has a major impact on patients’ functioning and quality of life. Rehabilitation programs for CTS may be limited by pain, recurrence of symptoms, adhesions, anxiety, etc. This paper’s aim is to present the role and the place of occupational therapy for CTS, emphasizing clinical and functional evaluation and some specific rehabilitation procedures.






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