Sindromul de ochi uscat la pacienții operați de cataractă | [Dry eye syndrome in cataract operated patients]


  • Mircea Varga Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România


dry eye syndrome, cataract surgery, lacrimal tear film, ocular surface


Dry eye is one of the most common eye problems; it may cause functional and occupational disability through symptoms of discomfort, visual disturbances, lacrimal film instability, and ocular surface damage. Aim of the study: Assessment of the dry eye syndrome and its influence on the quality of life in cataract-operated patients. Material and method: A retrospective study was performed on a group of 125 patients who were evaluated on the first postoperative day, after 7 days, and after one month after the discharge. Results and conclusions: Dry eye syndrome is a frequent pathology, but it's often an insufficiently recognized condition. In our study, it was diagnosed in 44% of patients admitted for cataract surgery. The operation induces an increase in the incidence and severity of dry eye syndrome, with our study showing a 15% increase in dry eyes. The size of the main corneal incision (2.2 mm or 2.8 mm) has been shown to not affect significantly the onset and progression of the disease.

Author Biography

Mircea Varga, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, România

Facultatea de Medicină;
Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Brașov, Romania






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