Herpes zoster –o problemă de sănătate care beneficiază de metode de prevenție specifice |[Herpes zoster – a health problem receiving specific prevention methods]


  • Elena Mihaela Constantinescu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, Romania
  • Cristian-Adrian Constantinescu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, Romania


herpes zoster, vaccine, public health


Herpes zoster infection occurs by reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus in favorable situations, resulting in temporary immunity drops. The disease is manifested by the appearance of painful skin eruptions along the nervous tracts, postherpetic neuralgia being the most common complication. The prevention of this infection has evolved from the concept according to people would acquire an increased immunity against HZ after every contact with people having chickenpox, to the possibility of attenuated virus vaccine administration. In the future, the introduction of routine vaccination with a subunit vaccine containing glycoprotein E varicella-zoster is expected, superior in terms of reducing the incidence of HZ and post-herpetic neuralgia.

Author Biographies

Elena Mihaela Constantinescu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, Romania

Facultatea de Medicină

Cristian-Adrian Constantinescu, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, Romania

Facultatea de Medicină






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