Studii privind gradul de cunoaștere a rolului antioxidant al glutationului în rândul studenților din domeniul științelor vieții | [Studies on the degree of knowledge of the antioxidant role of glutathione between students in the field of life ...


  • Mihaela Dorina Minzat Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
  • Florența Bunget-Gologan Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
  • Laura Floroian Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
  • Gheorghe Coman Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
  • Mihaela Badea Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov


glutathione, oxidative stress, antioxidant


Glutathione is actively involved in the body's redox processes, with a role in reducing oxidative stress, as evidenced by numerous scientific kinds of research. The study aims to analyze the degree of knowledge of the implication of glutathione in antioxidant systems, by administering questionnaires to two groups of students from the Transilvania University of Brasov, who study in the field of life sciences. The results obtained were systematized, analyzed, and compared with the literature. It was noted the need to study the properties of glutathione and its involvement in various pathologies in order to outline the best knowledge of this topic among students.






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