Elemente cheie în menținerea igienei orale la un grup de adulți tineri din Germania și România [Key elements of maintaining good oral hygiene in German and Romanian young adults]


  • Roxana Oancea UMF Victor Babeș, Timișoara
  • David Hernandez UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj Napoca
  • Anca-Çtefania Mesaroș UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj Napoca


Oral hygiene, tooth brushing, dental floss, mouthwash


The primary objective of this study was to investigate the awareness of oral health and the usage of oral hygiene tools by Romanian and German young adults. This was a retrospective statistical study, where 92 German citizens and 83 people from Romania were investigated by means of an anonymous online questionnaire. While 39.8% of the Romanians seek the dental office twice a year for regular dental control and prophylaxis just 18.5% of the Germans do so. The outcome of this study proves that the majority of the German people prefer to go to the dental cabinet once per year (47.8%) compared to 31.3% of the Romanians. Most people like to brush their teeth twice a day- 62.7% of the Romanians and 81.5% of the Germans. Some important differences were established but for validation of the results revealed in this work additional investigations are desirable.

Author Biographies

Roxana Oancea, UMF Victor Babeș, Timișoara

Facultatea de Medicină Dentară 

David Hernandez, UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj Napoca

Facultatea de Medicină Dentară 

Anca-Çtefania Mesaroș, UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj Napoca

Facultatea de Medicină Dentară 






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