Maternal satisfaction in the early period after birth


  • Işıl Akcay Yaldir Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey
  • Ayden Coban Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey


Postpartum, maternal satisfaction, factors, midwifery


Aim: This study determined maternal satisfaction in the early postpartum period after birth. Methods: This analytical and cross-sectional study was performed with 300 mothers who had a vaginal delivery in the postpartum clinic and the first day after delivery. „Mother Assessment Form” and „Scale for Measuring Maternal Satisfaction-normal birth” were used to collect the data for the study. During the evaluation of study data, descriptive, comparative statistical methods and correlation analysis were used. Results: When total scores of the Scale for Measuring Maternal Satisfaction-normal birth of the mothers were evaluated, they were determined to have quite low scores than 150.5 which was the cut-off point of the scale (93.25±25.83) and their satisfaction levels were found to be low. As a consequence of statistical analyses performed in the study, it was determined that oxytocin, enema, amniotomy, continuous electronic fetal monitoring, episiotomy, and fundal pressure reduced the satisfaction levels of the mothers regarding the nursing services received in the hospital (p<0.05). Conclusion: The satisfaction levels of the mothers regarding the nursing services received in the hospital in the early postpartum period after a vaginal delivery were found to be low. Applications performed during delivery influenced the satisfaction levels of the mothers.

Author Biographies

Işıl Akcay Yaldir, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey

Institute of Health Science

Ayden Coban, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey

Faculty of Health Science






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