Analysis and forecast of the economic indicators of S.C DEDEMAN. SRL
prediction, bricolage market, change, future actionAbstract
The increasing pace of change characteristic to the contemporary era requires anticipating them on larger period of time. Researching the future becomes a constant concern of both individuals and professionals as well as some national and international bodies and institutions. As John Naisbitt states, "a man can survive only by its ability to act in the present, based on past experience, with consequences in the future. Assuming ones future, the man makes his present bearable and its past significant. Past, present and future alternatives are intertwined in anticipation and forecasting of future actions. "The bricolage market is estimated at a value of 2 billion euro, being currently dominated by Romanian players like Dedeman, Arabesque and Ambient. The approximate knowledge of the future is a way through which the bricolage company Dedeman is preparing to face the unexpected.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2016 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences

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