Author guidelines


The author(s) are encouraged to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher upon acceptance of an article by the journal, using the assignment, or Copyright agreement. The transfer of copyright from author to publisher must be clearly stated in writing to enable the publisher to assure maximum dissemination of the author's work.

Only original papers (not previously published) are accepted.


Technical requirements for scientific publications

  • The paper will be both in English


  • The current Olympic movement
  • Sports performance and health for young people
  • Physical education and sport for all
  • Varia

Recreation and leisure:

  • Essay structure: abstract, keywords, introduction, the problems, conclusions, proposals, references
  • Experimental work structure: abstract, keywords, introduction, purpose, hypothesis, research methods, the content of the experiment, results, conclusions, proposals, references.

 Recommendations on drafting work to include them in the volume session:

  • Program: Windows, Word, Office 2003
  • Format A4
  • Margins: top 5 cm, bottom, left, right 3,5 cm
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 11, line spacing(1), 2 columns, the maximum number of pages is 6- 8, including the text and bibliography.
  • Title in capitals, bold 18 centered.
  • Under the title: the author, bold 14 centered institutions, marked in the "reference" in the footnotes.
  • Two free rows, abstract and keywords, 10 font sizes, italics, and one free row, the paper contents in two columns.
  • We are not responsible for scanned images, graphs, and formulas that can not be viewed.

The following instructions for authors will guide authors stepwise through the submission process.

Instructions for Authors

Paper Template

Copyright Agreement