Article-dialogue on the lyrical voice and the pedagogy of singing. From Transylvania to Lusitania: a happy encounter
Singing, Pedagogy of Singing, Master, DiscipleAbstract
Our contribution is a reflection based on the living experience of two people born in different countries who, fortunately, met in a pedagogic situation. That changed their life. They shared the love of singing and the need to express emotions and feelings; this encounter developed into a Master/Disciple relationship, something that is common to many singers–to find someone who can be a mirror and contribute to its vocal and personal development. Untypically for a scientific article, we call it an article-dialogue, divided into Prologue, Five Acts and Epilogue, where Liliana Bizineche (LB) and Maria João Sousa (MJS) reflect about their own experience i.e. guidelines in a singing class, the importance of choosing the repertoire based on the student's voice, a student as a personality of an artist, the contribution of teaching in the artistic path and a brief panorama of singing teaching in Portugal in the 90s and nowadays.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2021 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VIII: Performing Arts

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