The Eighth Echos reflected in the „doxastika” sticheras from Dimitrie Suceveanu’s „Idiomelar”
Dimitrie Suceveanu, Idiomelar, melodic formulae, eighth echosAbstract
This research paper aims to observe in what manner the eighth echos is reflected in the doxastika sticheras in the first tome of Suceveanu’s Idiomelar... After defining terms like stichera or the stiheraric style and present the research method which consists mainly in transcribing the chants and collecting data. The results are plenty in order to make a clear picture of the structural elements of the analyzed echos. The range is wider than an octave; Suceveanu has a very rich palette of melodic formulae and uses more often modulations than Petros Peloponnesios did in his Doxastarion. With Suceveanu’s contribution in the area of the romanization process, it begins a new stage in this matter, in which it can be observed a slightly try to gain some freedom from the original Greek melos.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2021 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VIII: Performing Arts

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